3.2.1 Primary characters
Each primary character quantifies an aspect of urban morphology with respect to a particular element (as described above). As wide a range of characters as reasonably possible is initially calculated in order to capture as many different aspects of urban form as possible. The primary characters are calculated using momepy
. The initial set of characters is detailed in Table 3.1. The character descriptions are primarily adapted from Fleischmann (2021) Fleischmann (2021) and momepy
Variable name | Index | Element | Description | H3 |
blg_Height | Height | Building | Height of building |
blg_FloorArea | Floor area | Building | Floor area of building |
blg_Area | Area | Building | Area of building |
blg_Volume | Volume | Building | Volume of building |
blg_Perimeter | Perimeter | Building | Perimeter of building |
blg_CourtyardArea | Courtyard area | Building | Area of holes in buildings (aka courtyards) |
blg_FormFactor | Form factor | Building | Compactness of building |
blg_VolumeFacadeRatio | Volume to façade ratio | Building | Ratio of building volume to area of the façade, a proxy for volumetric compactness |
blg_CircularCompactness | Circular compactness | Building | Ratio of area of building’s enclosing circle to its area |
blg_Corners | Corners | Building | Number of corners the building has |
blg_Squareness | Squareness | Building | Squareness of building |
blg_EquivalentRectangularIndex | Equivalent rectangular Index | Building | Deviation of building from an equivalent rectangle |
blg_Elongation | Elongation | Building | Ratio of shorter to longer dimension of the minimum bounding rectangle, a proxy for the deviation of the shape from a square |
blg_CentroidCornersMean | Centroid to corner mean | Building | Mean distance from building centroid to its corners |
blg_CentroidCornersSD | Centroid to corner standard deviation | Building | Standard deviation of distance from building centroid to its corners |
blg_Orientation | Orientation | Building | Orientation of the building |
blg_SharedWallsRatio | Shared walls ratio | Building | Ratio of shared walls to total perimeter |
blg_CellAlignment | Cell alignment | Building | Calculate the difference between cell orientation and orientation of building | |
tess_Orientation | Orientation | Tessellation cell | Orientation of the tessellation cell (calculated via the bounding rectangle) | |
tess_LongestAxisLength | Longest axis length | Tessellation cell | Length of the longest axis of tessellation cell | |
tess_Area | Area | Tessellation cell | Area of tessellation cell | |
tess_CircularCompactness | Circular compactness | Tessellation cell | Ratio of area of tessellation cell’s enclosing circle to its area | |
tess_EquivalentRectangularIndex | Equivalent rectangular Index | Tessellation cell | Deviation of tessellation cell from an equivalent rectangle | |
tess_WeightedNeighbours | Weighted neighbours | Tessellation cell | Number of tessellation cell neighbours divided by the cell perimeter | |
tess_CoverageAreaRatio | Coverage area ratio | Tessellation cell | Proportion of tessellation cell covered by a building | |
tess_FloorAreaRatio | Floor area ratio | Tessellation cell | Ratio of floor area to tessellation cell area | |
blk_Area | Area | Block | Area of block | |
blk_Perimeter | Perimeter | Block | Perimeter of block | |
blk_CircularCompactness | Circular compactness | Block | Ratio of area of block’s enclosing circle to area of block | |
blk_EquivalentRectangularIndex | Equivalent rectangular Index | Block | Deviation of block from an equivalent rectangle | |
blk_CompactnessWeightedAxis | Compactness-weighted axis | Block | Compactness-weighted axis of block, a proxy of permeability of an area | |
blk_Orientation | Orientation | Block | Orientation of the block (calculated via its bounding rectangle) | |
blk_WeightedNeighbours | Weighted neighbours | Block | Number of block neighbours divided by the block perimeter | |
blk_WeightedBuildings | Weighted buildings | Block | Number of buildings within the block divided by the block area |